Activist - Free Software Movement of India, Swecha. Active contributor to free software projects, you can check my VCS. Actively engaged in vocalizing Debian to all the public communities around the world. Past- Graduate ICT- AIT, Thailand. Now, System Administrator -

Accepted Talks:

BoF: FOSS in Cloud Native Landscape

Let’s discuss about rise of FOSS on Cloud Native Landscape

Workshop: CI/CD essentials from scratch with Gitlab.

Time : 60 Minutes

In Software Industry, the developer team puts their efforts on the deployments for small minute code changes. There are multiple stages involved in deployment as clean, build, test, deploy it which requires all your attention and intimate the dev team about the failures if so in between. The CI/CD(Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment) helps the developer team to make changes automatically by reducing the man power.

Let’s learn how to write gitlab-ci.yml file and then debian-salsa-ci.yml file